Public/Civil Servants, in contemporary public organizations in Nigeria, exhibit discipline at a minimal level coupled with some elements of indiscipline. In this condition, for example, staff may report for duty, in time and sometimes late. On arrival, they may perform their duties without seriousness. After spending few hours on duty some of them take permission to go out of the workplace while others just sneak or vanish. Another group may go to drinking houses or beer parlors’, to return to the office only towards the closing time. Some of them may take permission to stay away from the office or workplace for a number of days for fabricated reasons. Others may just absent themselves for reasons that are far from cogent (Ochai, 1984). It is needless to say that productivity is affected negatively by these vices of staff in the public sector. According to Adebayo (2001), such acts of indiscipline include lethargy, apathy, laziness, rudeness to members of the public, malingering, presenting false sick certificates in order to go and attend to private businesses and a host of other deplorable attitudes.
The main objective of this study is to find out the influence and effects of workers indiscipline on civil servant productivity: specifically the study intends to:
1. To find out the level of indiscipline among civil servants in Nigeria
2. To investigate the causes of indiscipline among civil servant
3. To find the effects of indiscipline on the productivity of civil servants
4. To find out those factors that influence productivity in the civil service
The following research questions are formulated from the objectives to guide this study
1. What is the level of indiscipline among civil servants in Nigeria
2. What are the causes of indiscipline among civil servant
3. What is the effects of indiscipline on the productivity of civil servants
4. What are the factors that influence productivity in the civil service
The most significance of this study is to promote productivity Nigeria Civil service. If this productivity is promoted the following people will benefit from it.
The benefit of civil servant discipline on productivity aims at alerting the employees whose performance is considered low to improve his performance, reminding the employees of the expected standards of behaviours and increasing the moral, motivation and performance.
1. The civil servants of the commission will benefit in the sense that the workers will enjoy good salary and allowance.
2. It will help the civil service to maintain peace, unity, among the employees so as to have improved productivity.
3. Students of laziness administration and management, human capital management will find this useful as it will serve as a reference work for further researcher.
4. It will also help the society at large to embrace discipline as a tool used to inculcate obedience and control in the life of citizens.
It will not be possible for the researcher to visit all of them and produce effective study. Consequently the study will be narrowed down to the Ogun State Revenue Office.
The researcher is faced with some limitation/constraints some of these factors are finance, time, transportation, lack of corporation from some members of staff who attempt to keep back relevant information as a result of bad attitude of some staff of public bureaucrats.
A goal is desired result a person or a system envisions, plans and commits to achieve a personal or organizational desire end-point in same sort of assumed development.
PRODUCTIVITY: An economic measure of output per unit of input-inputs include labour and capital.
DISCIPLINE: It is a training that moulds or perfects the mental or moral character. It is also a set of rules that government and the conduct of people in any organization.
EMPLOYEES: Is an individual who work part time or full time under a contract of employment. Whether oral or written, expressed or implied and has recognized right and duties.
MANAGEMENT: It is the organization and coordination of the activities of a business in order to achieve defined objectives and effective goals.